Johann Berthelsen

Gallery Database:
Johann Berthelsen (1883-1972). "Home at Great Neck," ca. 1940, oil on canvas, 20 x 16, signed. Antique wooden, whitey-brown spatter frame, 28 x 24 ca. The Johann Berthelsen Conservancy has authenticated this painting, letter accompanies lot.
Curator's Comment:
The scene depicts the family home in Great Neck, Long Island of Mr. Charles Tomick, a prominent attorney. The artist's son, Lee Berthelsen, is the source of the description. And the Johann Berthelsen Conservancy has authenticated this painting. We are very happy with this Berthelsen, especially so because it is NOT one of the typical New York City snow scenes, which now appear much too numerous for our sense of security. We have seen two of the New York City landmark scenes that were clearly copies offered at
major auctions, and a host more on E-Bay, where they are attracting ignorant bids. Collectors should seek a professional opinion at all costs. Contact the Johann Berthelsen Conservancy, which provides authentication services by E-mail to:
Johann Berthelsen, favoring the steeply sloping multi-gabled gothic revival roof of Tomick's mansion is showing us the sunset snowfall's fusion of earth and sky, repeated in the total glowing absolutely perfect color! We have now been looking at this work for a long time, and we have become increasingly sensitive to its serene power. The painting is about "home" in every sense of the word--as a refuge from the elements and as a mental state that allows us peace in a world where our ultimate resting place is known to us from the start. The car remains in the driveway! Frankly, we think it epitomizes what Berthelsen did best, rendering the snowy world with absolute beauty--really, this is an outstanding work. We think the frame is one of the originals treated with white spattering by the artist's wife.

Berthelsen's nocturne set
a record high of $42,500